Is Online Learning For You?

Online learning opens the door to education for many people. To decide if online learning is a viable option for you, let’s look at a few key things about it.

online learningSome facts about online learning:

Online learning offers students high-quality instruction even if they can’t attend courses face-to-face due to their busy, work, family, or travel schedules.

Online courses offer flexible learning. Most online courses take place without a physical classroom and without fixed class hours.

Free of those limitations, students have the means to overcome geographic distance and can balance busy work and family schedules with their coursework.

Another feature of online learning is that it helps promote engagement. Online classes involve a lot of reading, writing, and practical application of what you are learning.

Some additional advantages… there is no back of the room in an online classroom. Also, students have time to process their thoughts and ideas before they share them with their instructor or classmates.

It also cultivates an interactive environment.  Many social barriers are eliminated online, and many students you might not hear from in class will become active participants in an online course.

So, is online learning for you?

Let’s debunk a myth first. A lot of people might think that online learning is easier than face-to-face.

Here’s the truth:

Online classes take as much or more time as a class you might take on campus.

Online courses are never out of session. Students are expected to log on and contribute to discussions several times a week. That also means reading messages every week from the instructor and other students.

The Real Deal:

Learning ultimately depends on the quality of the instructor, course material and participation of the students. The method, too, is important. Courses that encourage online discussion and interaction between students, their peers and the instructor typically demonstrate higher levels of participation than traditional courses.

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